News - March 2023

News - March 2023

Find out about all the new features and improvements to Cegid Valuekeep:

1. Analytics (dashboards)

Cegid Valuekeep is focused on the development of functionalities that allow decisions to be taken on the basis of accurate and precise data. To this end, an add-on tool is available that allows companies to monitor performance, reduce downtime and cut costs. 

Once you have subscribed, it will be displayed in the Applications area (top right) and from there you can view metrics and indicators relating to:

  1. Work Orders
  2. Requests 
  3. Preventive
  4. Labour
  5. Costs
  6. Downtime
  7. Malfunctions

This infrastructure thus provides access to business information through sophisticated information retrieval techniques, providing a fluid user experience for maintenance managers.

2. Batch Processing Status

For a precise and accurate analysis of all batch processing, the Processing Status list is now available. Use the search function available in the header to find it more quickly. Just search for Processing Status.

In addition to viewing all the batch processes carried out, you can also view the task status (New, Closed or With errors).

You can check the processing status from within Work Order Management and Event Management.

See support article to find out more.

3. Assignments in WO Batch Management

In order to plan work more quickly and efficiently, the batch management of Work Orders has been redesigned to:

  1. find the WOs more easily;
  2. filter by several assets at the same time, by type of WO or by assigned employee.

In addition, it is now possible to manage assignments in batches, i.e, 

  1. Assign one or more employees to one or more WOs
  2. Remove the assignment of one or more employees to one or more WOs

4. Changes to the Parent Device

In certain situations, it is necessary to change the parent device on the devices. To enable this change, it is now possible to do it directly from the device. 

In the list Changes to Parent Device, you can see all the changes that have been made.

To find out more, we recommend consulting the following support articles:

  1. How do I register a change of Parent Device on the devices?
  2. How do I see the list of parent device changes?

5. Stock entries from Requisitions

In the Requisitions functionality, it is now possible to enter parts stock.

Thus, after the requisition has been approved, you can click on the new Operations button and simply and quickly create a stock entry with the predefined document type already filled in with the information (warehouse and parts).

For this to be possible, you have to activate this functionality in the Workflow settings. 

To find out more, we recommend consulting the following support articles:

  1. How to enter stock from a requisition?
  2. How to view the requisitions workflow?

6. Configuration of mandatory fields

Mandatory fields are a useful feature for controlling what kind of information is filled in and required when saving an operation. 

To enable companies to add important information to certain areas of the application, it is possible to configure mandatory fields so that they are visible when creating a device, location or route.

Note: The basic fields provided are obligatory and cannot be changed.

Learn how to set up mandatory fields in the support article.

7. Implementing API throttling

For security reasons, there is a limit on the number of consecutive requests that can be made to the Web API. Since all requests are made on the same environment, and regardless of whether it is scalable, having an unlimited number of requests could compromise the application's performance.

The following rules apply:

  1. 30 requests can be made per minute.
  2. Requests are counted by subscription.

When the limit is exceeded, error 429 (Too many requests) is displayed, making it impossible to make any more requests to the Web API. You'll have to wait a minute before you can place new requests.

8. Other improvements

  1. In App Requester, you can now configure the application to automatically synchronise a request immediately after it is created;
  2. A number of performance improvements have been made in preventive services;
  3. A monetary total is available in the Total Costs operating list.

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