Through this dashboard, you have access to metrics and indicators related to Requests.
To access this dashboard, click on the icon Applications in the top left corner of the header and then in the option Analytics. A tab will open with all the dashboards provided by Cegid Valuekeep. On this page, click on Requests.
Route requests are not counted in this dashboard.
The description of request statuses is not localised for all the markets in which Cegid Valuekeep operates.
In this dashboard, you can see a range of information about requests, divided into 6 tabs:
1. Summary
Here you can see the information on requests, those that are overdue, the compliance rate and the non-compliance rate.
A set of graphs is also available that reflect the requests by status, total requests by type.
2. Locations
The following are available here:
- a pivot table with requests by location;
- a set of graphs showing the total number of requests by location and the total number of requests by localisation function.
3. Device
The following are available here:
- a pivot table with requests by device;
- a set of graphs on requests by device and family, as well as total requests by family.
4. Tools
The following are available here:
- a pivot table with requests by tool;
- a set of graphs showing total requests by device and tool, as well as requests by tool.
5. Priority Level
Here you can see a set of graphs relating to:
- changes in requests by priority level;
- the total number of requests per priority level;
- the total number of requests by priority level and type of request.
6. YoY (year over year) analysis
In this tab, you can view a set of graphs relating to:
- requests per year;
- requests by month and year;
- percentage of requests per year;
- requests by year and priority;
- percentage of requests by year and priority.
In any tab, you can change the filters using the option Edit filters. You should bear in mind that