How can I see the Preventive Measures dashboard?

How can I see the Preventive Measures dashboard?

Through this dashboard, you have access to metrics and indicators related to Preventive measures.

To access this dashboard, click on the icon Applications  in the top left corner of the header and then in the option Analytics. A tab will open with all the dashboards provided by Cegid Valuekeep. On this page, click on Faults.

You need to fill in the time zone in the company file to ensure the accuracy of the calculations available on the dashboard. Route preventive measures are not counted.

Information available

The dashboard is divided into 4 tabs:

1. Summary
You can see the following data:
  1. Event totals;
  2. Events already held;
  3. Percentage of preventive measures carried out;
  4. Percentage of preventive measures still to be carried out;
In addition, a graph appears showing the number of preventive events compared to the work orders carried out.

2. Locations
Here is a pivot table with the number of events by parent location/location/maintenance plan. They are organised by date.

3. Devices
Here, a pivot table is available with the number of events by family/device/maintenance plan. They are organised by date.

4. Tools
Here, a pivot table is available with the number of events by family/tools/maintenance plan. They are organised by date.


The filter Company only shows the companies to which you have access and, in the filter selector, you can only select data with records on the dashboard.

The data on the dashboards is updated at the end of the day.

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