How can I see the Work Orders dashboard?

How can I see the Work Orders dashboard?

Through this dashboard, you have access to metrics and indicators related to Work orders.

To access this dashboard, click on the icon Applications in the top left-hand corner of the header and then on the option Analytics.

Route work orders are not counted in this dashboard.

Information available

Through this dashboard, you can see a range of data relating to work orders, divided into 4 tabs:

1. Work Orders
Here you can access information on work orders, those in arrears, the compliance rate and non-compliance rate.
Graphs are also available to show:
  1. the number of WOs per month and year;
  2. the percentage/number of WOs per status;
  3. the percentage/number of WOs by type;
  4. the SLA compliance rate by WO type;
  5. average Response Times by WO type. 
2. Workshops
In this tab, a pivot table is available with the number of WOs per parent location/location/family/device/workshop. They are organised by date.

3. Technical
Here, an information table on labour reports by technician/date/wo/parent location/location/device/tool is available.

4YoY (year over year) analysis
The following graphs are available in this tab:
  1. Work orders per year;
  2. Work orders by month and year;
  3. Percentage of work orders per year;
  4. Work orders by year and type;
  5. Percentage of work orders by year and type.


In any tab, you can change the filters using the option Edit filters. You should bear in mind that
  1. The filter Company only shows the companies to which you have access and where there are work orders;
  2. In the filter selector, you can only select data with dashboard records;
  3. The data on the dashboards is updated at the end of the day.

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