How do I configure the mandatory fields?

How do I configure the mandatory fields?

Configuring mandatory fields is a useful feature for controlling what kind of information is filled in and required whenever you create a devicelocation or route.
Fields always have an attribute type associated:
  1. List: Attributes where there must be at least one record in the attribute type List;
  2. View: Selection attributes where you have to select a record;
  3. Text: Attributes of text where mandatory data must be entered with a maximum of 100 characters;
  4. ShortText: Attributes of text where mandatory data must be entered with a maximum of 20 characters;
  5. ShortText: Attributes of text where mandatory data must be entered with a maximum of 255 characters;
  6. Memo: Attributes of text it is necessary to introduce mandatory information;
  7. Date: Attributes of date , you need to specify a date;
  8. ImageAttributes of image;
  9. Money: Attributes of money, where you have to insert a value for the currency used;
  10. Time: Attributes of timewhere you have to insert the time frame used;
To configure the mandatory fields, follow these steps:
  1. Access Settings | System | Attribute Configuration;
  2. The entities you can configure are shown. Click on the Entity where you want to activate/deactivate the mandatory fields;
  3. Select the fields you want to be mandatory and activate them in the "Mandatory?"column;
  4. Click on Save.
The basic fields that are mandatory cannot be changed.
It is not possible to restore previous settings. In other words, if you want to return to the previous setting, you'll have to manually activate or deactivate the fields in question.
The error illustrated is standard, so any type of mandatory field that is not filled in will receive the same message.
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