How can I see the Costs dashboard?
The dashboard Costs shows metrics and indicators related to the recording of costs in work orders.
To access this dashboard, click on the icon Applications in the top left corner of the header, and then on the option Analytics. A tab will open with all the dashboards provided by Cegid Valuekeep. On this page, click on Costs.
Through this dashboard, you can see a range of data related to the recording of costs, divided into 8 tabs:
1. Summary
Here, the KPIs are shown with the sum:
- of all the costs of the 3 types (labour, consumables and miscellaneous costs);
- of all labour costs;
- of all consumable costs;
- of all miscellaneous costs.
The graphs show:
- monthly maintenance costs by category;
- costs by type of work order;
- 5 main total family costs;
- 5 total costs by location function.
In this tab, you have access to:
- a graph with information on the five highest costs per workshop;
- a table with the costs by category and workshop.
3. Families
Here you can see:
- in the table, the costs per family;
- in the bar chart, the top 5 costs by family and category;
- in the pie chart, the top 10 costs per family.
4. Device
Here you can see:
- in the table, the device costs;
- in the table, the top 5 costs of parent devices;
- in the pie chart, the top 10 costs per parent device.
5. Tools
Here you can see:
- in the table, the costs of the tools;
- in the table, the top 5 costs of the parent tool;
- in the pie chart, the top 10 costs per parent tool.
6. Location Function
Here you can see:
- in the table, the costs of the location function;
- in the bar chart, the top 5 costs by location and category;
- in the pie chart, the top 10 costs by location.
7. Location
Here you can see:
- in the table, the costs of the locations;
- in the table, the costs per parent location;
- in the pie chart, the costs per parent location.
8. YoY (Year over Year) analysis
Through the graph, you can see:
- the monthly costs and comparison with previous years;
- the costs per year;
- the percentage of costs per year.
In any tab, you can change the filters using the option Edit filters. You should bear in mind that
- The filter Company only shows the companies to which you have access;
- In the filter selector you can only select data with dashboard records;
- The data on the dashboards is updated at the end of the day;
- All figures are shown in the reporting currency.
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