How do I enter stock from a requisition?

How do I enter stock from a requisition?

From the requisition forms, it is possible to enter stock parts. However, this option is only visible on the requisitions tab after the requisition is approved. 

To enter stock from a requisition, follow these steps:
  1. Access the feature Requisitions;
  2. Create a request or edit an existing one;
  3. Click on the button Operations and then, on Create Stock Entry;
  4. Select the parts you want to check in. You can filter the data by Warehouse;
    If you select parts from different warehouses, the system displays an error message indicating that you have to select parts from the same warehouse.
  5. Select the warehouse to add stock to;
  6. Click on the Create Stock Entry;
  7. The screen displayed is Create Part Entry with the document type predefined and already filled in with the information (warehouse and parts).
The pieces are always displayed in the base unit.
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