How to setup the background services?
On Cegid Valuekeep there are calculation operations that are performed in the background in order to not interfere with the user daily work. In Settings | Work | Background Services, you can configure the following operations: 1. KPIs Operation ...
What are maintenance plans and tasks?
Easily learn what are maintenance plans and tasks within Valuekeep CMMS.
How to consume spare parts on the work order?
On the asset file (location, equipment or tool), you can specify the parts and the corresponding quantities the asset needs to work correctly. The parts associated to the assets on the section "spare parts" can be consumed on the work order using the ...
How do I create the work order type?
Work order types allow you to classify the work orders and to apply specific behaviors after being configured. To create a new work order type, select the Definitions | Work | Work Order Types option: The list of work order types is presented; Press ...
How to define the Scheduling Labor Costs?
How to create task verification types?
What is the default workflow of the work orders?
By default, the work orders workflow has the following states: State Notes New Initial state, SLA start. In Progress Changes the state of the associated requests to In Progress. Completed End of SLA. Changes the state of the associated requests to ...
How do I create misc costs types?
The misc costs types allow to classify the work order misc costs. To create a new Misc Costs Type select the option Definitions | Work | Misc Costs Types: The list of misc costs types is presented; Press the button "create" The misc costs types have ...
How to create a work order type?
Work order types allow you to classify the work orders and apply specific behaviors through configuration. To create a work order type, follow these steps: Go to Settings | Work | Work Order Types; The list of work order types will be displayed; ...
How to configure the work order workflow?
The state flow for work orders can be changed to be in line with the organization's working method. To create or change the new state configurations, you must access Definitions | Work | Workflow The state list is presented; To create new states, ...
How do I create failure symptoms?
To create a new Failure Cause, select the option Definitions | Work | Failure Symptoms, Causes and Actions; A failure symptoms, causes and actions list is presented, Press the button "create" Failure symptoms In the Failure symptoms tabs, we must ...
How can I crate failure causes?
To create a new Failure Cause, select the option Definitions | Work | Failure Causes; The failure causes list is presented, Press the button "create" Failure Actions In the Failure Actions tabs, we must associate failure actions It is not possible ...
How do I create a failure action?
To create a new Failure Action, select the option Definitions | Work | Failure Actions; The failure actions list is presented, Press the button "create" Fill in the data. The information to be filled in is organized in tabs. You can see the required ...