Which Readers does the API Valuekeep V3 have available?

Which Readers does the API Valuekeep V3 have available?

The readers provided by the plugin aim to provide the VALUEKEEP system with a mechanism that reduces the number of requests and allows the implementer/integrator to easily customize the read requests according to the requested business processes.
 The aim of the reader is to identify in the source system (VALUEKEEP ) the subset of information that requires integration with the target system, preserving performance and service issues.
To leverage these principles the following methodology was adopted:
  1. Hashing: the information subset is controlled by a hashing technique applied on the source system. Additional information about this technique can be found in the article Pipelines - Hashing;
  2. OData: the result of the information subset is obtained using the OData technology. However, due to some limitations arising from the use of OData technology in the Valuekeep V3 API, the use of the hashing methodology is recommended.
The following image illustrates the technique applied in the plugin to obtain the information that will be subject to integration.

The plugin provides the following readers that should be used depending on feasibility and technique applied:
  1. VK3HashListReader: uses the hashset configuration (defined in the hashing file) to get the information to synchronize / integrate. The transmitted information is restricted exclusively to the attributes provided in the hashset, including the applied filters;
  2. VK3FullHashListReader: uses the hashset configuration (defined in the hashing file) to obtain the information to synchronize / merge. The transmitted information corresponds to a get request from the entity, i.e. the hashset configuration is only used to get the subset (conditional filter).
  3. VK3ODataReader: uses the configuration of an OData query (defined in file) to obtain the information to synchronize/integrate. The transmitted information is restricted exclusively to the information provided in the ODATA query, including the applied filters;
The following image exemplifies the use of a reading service.



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