What is Valuekeep Integrator?

What is Valuekeep Integrator?

Valuekeep Integrator recommends a conceptual model of data integration and consequent functional logic between systems. As a solution for integration between systems, Valuekeep Integrator brings together a set of characteristics which are considered fundamental in products in this area.

  1. Flexibility: it is a solution capable of integrating different systems or services in a synchronized and cooperative way, i.e. defining which processes should be shared or made available between different systems or services. It has the capacity to support the addition of new systems and services due to the comprehensiveness of its architecture, without creating ruptures with the control systems and process logic.
  2. Reuse: allows the reuse of functions in integration projects, reducing development costs and implementation times. A structured integration should lead to an environment where existing business functions are easily shared and reused with minimal effort. Each service should be flexible enough to support new business models as they emerge. This is, achieved in this integration solution by separating the integration management rules (supported by the Valuekeep Integrator platform) and the business rules of the different systems (supported by the different plugins).
  3. Simplification: integrating different software applications and different platforms requires a sophisticated technical solution. This integration solution is capable of working with different hardware systems, different operating systems and different applications.
  4. Scalability: experience shows that after the implementation of an integration solution, new modules or functions to be integrated are identified.  The architecture of this integration solution ensures that the availability of execution is equal to or greater than the availability of the systems that already existed before the integration. The availability challenge grows with the volume of transactions and number of integrated systems and/or services. This integration solution is capable of growing according to the increasing demands of sustaining the organization.
  5. Security: ensures the management and control of access between the different systems and services that use the integration framework.
  6. Data Transformation and Mapping: this service integration solution has the ability to easily define bi-directional data transformations from its native representation to other formats more suitable for process integration, for example: JSON.
  7. Scalability: An integration infrastructure can be compared to a constantly evolving entity as it seeks to develop and expand its business. The objective of this integration platform is to enable the expansion of business processes with the inclusion of various proprietary or third-party plugins.

Valuekeep Integrator is an integration platform that is only available for subscription under the UNIVERSE plan.

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