What is the Valuekeep Integrator-SDK?

What is the Valuekeep Integrator-SDK?

Valuekeep Integrator - SDK provides a Security wizard (available in the installation folder) that provides cryptographic services, including secure encryption and decryption of data, which allows encryption of keys, namely passwords that must be persisted in the solution (integration.config) . This wizard allows encryption using two encryption methods (scopes):

  1. Scope Current User: the protected data is associated with the current user, ensuring that only threads running in the user's context can unprotect the data;
  2. Scope Local Machine: protected data is associated with the machine context, i.e. any running process can unprotect the data.

To obtain the cipher (key encrypted according to a certain scope)

1.     run the Valuekeep Integrator SDK;

2.     Enter the key that you want to encrypt;

3.     Select the encryption scope you want to apply;

4.     Copy the cipher (secured password) to the solution.

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