What can we find on the Request Manager dashboard?

What can we find on the Request Manager dashboard?

 The request manager can be kept up-to-date regarding the state of the requests or the asset requests for you access level. The initial dashboard presents the updated data and indicators. 

In this page, we present two dashboard categories: the global management and the operational. 

Overview Dashboard

This dashboard presents a set of two graphs (Requests and SLA) and an Insight (requests pending to close for more than 7 days).

  1. Requests - shows the number of requests created by the user and the asset requests on your access level, grouped by state.This graph has an indicator with the total number of requests.
  2. SLA - presents the % of SLA compliance. This graph presents the number of requests that comply or not with the SLA indicator.


 *The SLA indicator matches the percentage of global SLA compliance regarding all requests the user created and all asset requests on you access level.
 Please note that the value is cumulative. The formula is: no. of Requests compliant with the SLA/total no. of Requests. 
A Request complies with the Service Level Agreement if the end date is met and if it is previous to the expected end date. If the SLA end date is not filled in, it is only compliant if it is previous to the current date. 
For this indicator, only the requests that are not in the "canceled" state are considered. 
This Insight specified that the number of requests are pending to close for more than 7 days.

Please note that a request is considered pending to close when it is in a state previous to the one considered as final.

Operational Dashboard

The operational dashboard presents a top-five list of requests that are not on the final or canceled state: 
  1. Older – all requests up to the first day of the current week; 
  2. This Week – all requests regarding the current week; 

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