WebAPI – How do I update a work order?

WebAPI – How do I update a work order?

This method offers a simplified way of performing changes to the Work orders.

The method to be used to create a work order is:    POST /api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenance/workorders/updateWorkOrderInfo/{{companyKey}}/{{workOrderKey}}

The parameters in the method are:
  1. companyKey: company key
  2. workOrderKey: work order key
Json example to update a work order
  1. {
    "Description": "Work Order 001",
    "WorkOrderType": "0000000001",
    "Workshop": null,
    "PriorityLevel": null,
    "Remarks": "General Remarks",
    "ExpectedDate": "2019-08-31T11:15:17.477+00:00"

This method allows to create a work order according to the following parameters filled in
  1. WorkOrderKey: the key ot he WO. This field is required.
  2. Description: the WO's description. This field is required.
  3. WorkOrderType: the key of the WO type. This field is required.
  4. WorkOrderMaintenancePlans: a set of maintenance plans that must be executed in the WO. It is required to define at least one maintenance 
  5. MaintenancePlan: Maintenance Plans Key.
  6. Workshop: the key of the WO workshop. If not specified, by default it is the workshop in the work order type.
  7. PriorityLevel: the priority level key of the WO. If not specified, the priority level is defined by default in the work order type.
  8. Remarks: the WO observations.
  9. ExpectedDate: Date the WO is expected to start..
When a method is executed successfully, it returns a HttpStatusCode.OK with the WO information.