WebAPI – How do I update the labor report?

WebAPI – How do I update the labor report?

This method allows you to change the labor record of a work order.

The method to be used for changing the work order labor record is: POST /api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenance/workorderreportlabors/ updateWorkOrderReportLaborInfo/{{companyKey}}/{{workOrderReportLaborKey}}

The parameters in the method are:
  1. companyKey: company key
  2. workOrderKey: work order key
Json example to update a labor record
  1. {
    "Description": "Labor Record",
    "ReportDate": "2019-09-05T11:31:17 +00:00",
    "StartDate": "2019-09-04T10:31:17+00:00",
    "EndDate": "2019-09-04T11:31:17+00:00",
    "Hours": "00:15:00",
    "Employee": "P00002",
    "SchedulingLaborCost": "SG2.SL1",
    "Remarks": "General Remarks",
    "Expertise": "S1",
    "ExpertiseTier": "0000000001",
    "WorkOrderMaintenancePlan": "0000000001",
    "WOMaintenancePlanTaskId": "45D98B07-9F8B-4C27-90E4-6243AEAEE300",
    "WOTaskId": "69703AF8-49EB-4C0A-B0A4-49FBE25F7D61"
This method allows to change a work order labor report according to the parameters filled in
  1. Description: the WO description. This field is required.
  2. ReportDate: the record date. If not filled in, you can use the current date.
  3. StartDate: work start date.
  4. EndDate: work end date.
  5. Hours: number of hours spent finishing the work. Cannot be higher than the difference between the end and start work date.
  6. Employee: the employee key.
  7. SchedulingLaborCost: the key of the labor schedulling cost.
  8. Remarks: the observations.
  9. Expertise: the specialty key.
  10. ExpertiseTier: the key of the specialty level.
  11. WorkOrderMaintenancePlan: the key of the WO maintenance plan.
  12. WOMaintenancePlanTaskId: the task identifier associated to the WO maintenance plan.
  13. WOTaskId: the task identifier for the WO additional work. This field cannot be used together with the maintenance plan or the maintenance plan task.
When a method is executed successfully, it returns a HttpStatusCode.OK.

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