WebAPI – How to get requests created by an employee?

WebAPI – How to get requests created by an employee?

This method returns the list of internal requests created by employee.
The method to be used to get the filtered list of requests created by employee is:

GET /api/mytenant/myorganization/requests/requests/GetRequestsAssignedToEmployee?modifiedOn=1900-01-01T00:00:00.0%2B00:00&requester=user@dominio.com&company=DEMO&maxRecords=100&daysLimit=30&isCanceledState=true&isFinalState=true

The method parameters are optional, however, the method receives the employee to filter the requests.
If the parameter maxRecords is not specified, it returns a maximum of 100 records. The logic is the following:
  1. modifiedOn: returns all requests with a date higher or equal to modifiedOn, otherwise, this parameter returns all requests.
  2. requester: returns all requests created by the employee. Fill in this parameter with the username. This is a required field;
  3. company: returns the selected company requests. If this parameter is not being passed, the default value is assumed, that is, the first company from the list.
  4. maxRecords: number of requests to be returned, this parameter must be an integer, equal or inferior to 100. If this parameter is not being passed, it assumes the default value of 100;
  5. daysLimit: returns all requests assigned with a creation date inferior to the number of days defined in this parameter;
  6. isCanceledState: if this field is true, it returns all requests in the canceled state for the last days, defined on the daysLimit parameters, a "true" or "false" boolean must be passed, and if it receives a different value, it assumes it as the default value "false";
  7. isFinalState: if this field is true, it returns all requests in the final state for the last days, defined on the daysLimit parameters, a "true" or "false" boolean must be passed, and if it receives a different value, it assumes it as the default value "false".

The server returns an answer HttpStatusCode.OK, with the request created by the employee. If the parameter maxRecords is specified and the value is equal or inferior to 100, it returns the number of records. If the parameter value is higher than 100, it returns an error message.