This method allows you to delete a requisition. The method to be used when deleting a requisition is: DELETE url/api/mytenant/myorganization/requisitions/requisitions/{{company}}/{{requisitionKey}} The parameters being replaced on the method are: ...
This method allows you to delete a brand. The method to be used when deleting a brand is: DELETE url/api/mytenant/myorganization/businesscore/brands/{{brandKey}} The parameters being replaced on the method are: {{brandKey}}: key of the brand you ...
This method allows to create a unit in a simplified manner. The method to be used when creating a unit is: POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/corepatterns/units Json example for creating a unit: { "unitKey": "HR", ...
This method allows to manage the record and maintenance of parts and services. For the inventory (parts), besides recording the part, it is also possible to classify it in terms of inventory, by identifying: the default warehouse, the minimum and ...