WebAPI - Creating an employee

WebAPI - Creating an employee

This method allows to create an employee in a simplified manner. 
The method to be used when creating an employee:
POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/workshopscore/employees
Json example for creating an employee:

1.       {

















    "streetName""Rua Manuel da Silva ",







    "employeeExpertises": [










This method allows to create an employee according to the parameters filled in:
  1. externalreferenceID: External reference ID.
  2. isInternalEmployee: This field is filled in with "true" or "false" and it specifies if it is an internal employee or not. This field is mandatory.
  3. contractStartDate: Contract start date.
  4. contractEndDate: Contract end date.
  5. remarks: Employee extension remarks.
  6. partyKey: Employee key. Mandatory field.
  7. name: Short description of the employee. This field is mandatory.
  8. keyword: Short description of the employee.
  9. companyTaxID: Tax ID number.
  10. electronicMail: Employee email.
  11. telephone: Telephone number.
  12. mobile: Mobile phone number.
  13. websiteUrl: Website.
  14. notes: Entity extension remarks.
  15. picture: the image. 
  16. streetName: Street.
  17. buildingNumber: Building number.
  18. postalZone: Postal code.
  19. cityName: City.
  20. contactName: Short description of the employee.
  21. username: User name.
  22. employeeExpertises: Expertise key.
  23. schedulingGroup: Scheduling group key. This field is mandatory.
  24. currency: The currency's key. This field is mandatory.
  25. country: The country's key. This field is mandatory.
  26. culture: The culture's key. This field is mandatory.
When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.201Created.

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