This method allows to create a warehouse in a simplified manner.
The method to be used when creating a warehouse:
POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/inventorycore/warehouses
Json example for creating a warehouse:
1. {
"warehouseKey": "W2",
"description": "Manutenção 2",
"streetName": "Av. do Progresso, 36 ",
"buildingNumber": "987",
"cityName": "Vila Fria",
"postalZone": "9630-800",
"company": "DEMO",
"region": "PT-CO",
"country": "PT"
This method allows to create a warehouse according to the parameters filled in:
i.WarehouseKey: The warehouse key. This field is mandatory.
ii.Description: Short description of the warehouse. This field is mandatory.
iii.StreetName: Street.
iv.BuildingNumber: Building number.
v.PostalZone: Postal code.
vi.Company: The company's key.
vii.Region: Region key.
viii.Country: The country's key.
When this method is executed successfully, it returns