WebAPI - Creating a warehouse

WebAPI - Creating a warehouse

This method allows to create a warehouse in a simplified manner.

The method to be used when creating a warehouse:

POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/inventorycore/warehouses

Json example for creating a warehouse:


1.      {


    "description""Manutenção 2",

    "streetName""Av. do Progresso, 36 ",


    "cityName""Vila Fria",






This method allows to create a warehouse according to the parameters filled in:

i.WarehouseKey: The warehouse key. This field is mandatory.

ii.Description: Short description of the warehouse. This field is mandatory.

iii.StreetName: Street.

iv.BuildingNumber: Building number.

v.PostalZone: Postal code.

vi.Company: The company's key.

vii.Region: Region key.

viii.Country: The country's key.

When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.

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