Webapi - Creating a type of task verification
method allows to create a type of task verification in a simplified manner.
The method
to be used when creating a type of task verification is:
example for creating a type of task verification:
"verificationTypeKey": "NC",
"description": "Não conforme",
"notesRequired": false,
"isDefault": false,
"remarks": null,
"verification": "CONF"
method allows to create a type of task verification according to the parameters
filled in:- verificationTypeKey: The
verification type key. This field is mandatory.
- description:
Short description of the verification type. This field is mandatory.
- notesRequired:
Mandatory notes. Fill in this field with true or false. If you wish this field
to have mandatory notes on the task verification, fill in with true.
- isDefault:
"Is Default?" Fill in this field with true or false. If you wish this
field to be default on the task verification, fill in with true.
- remarks:
- verification:
The verification key. This field is mandatory.
When this
method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.201Created.
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