Webapi - Creating a task verification report for a work order
This method allows you to create a task verification report for
a work order in a simplified way.
The method used to create a task verification report for a work
order is:
POST {{url}}/api/{{tenant}}/{{organization}}/maintenance/workordertaskverificationsExample to create a verification report for a work order:
- {
"reportDate": "2021-08-16T12:03:10.0759257+00:00",
"verificationDate": "2021-08-16T12:03:10+00:00",
"remarks": "verificar",
"remarksRequired": true,
"workOrder": "000002",
"company": "DEMO",
"assetType": 2,
"location": null,
"equipment": "ATC01"
"tool": null,
"employee": "0019",
"verificationType": "NAO",
"workOrderMaintenancePlan": "MP-000001_1",
"task": "T_00001", "wOMaintenancePlanTaskId": "d5bd3a71-0886-ea11-99e5-28187861004a"
This method allows to
create a WO task verification, according to the parameters filled in:- reportDate: The report date. Mandatory field.
- verificationDate: The verification date. Mandatory field.
- remarks: Remarks.
- remarksRequired: Fill in this field with true or false. When, on
the verification type, the option "mandatory remarks" is active, we
must fill in the field with true.
- workOrder: The key of the work order the misc cost will be recorded
to. Mandatory field.
- company: The company's key. Mandatory field.
- assetType: The asset type (2- equipment; 3- tool). Mandatory field.
- location: The location's key.
- equipment: The equipment key.
- tool: The tool's key.
- employee: Employee key. Mandatory field.
- verificationType: The verification type key. Mandatory field.
- workorderMaintenancePlan: The maintenance plan key.
- task: The task key.
- WOMaintenancePlanTaskID: The ID of the task of the work order's
maintenance plan. Mandatory field.
When this method is executed
successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.201Created.
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