WebAPI - Creating a supplier

WebAPI - Creating a supplier

This method allows to create a supplier in a simplified manner
The method to be used when creating a supplier:
POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/businesscore/supplierparties
Json example for creating a supplier: 

1.      {











    "picture": null,


    "streetName""Rua Maria",









    "partyAddresses": [


            "streetName""Rua João Maria Ribeiro",









    "partyContacts": [



            "contactName""Manuel da Cunha",









This method allows to create a supplier according to the parameters filled in:
  1. settlementDiscountpercent: Supplier discount percentage. 
  2. partyKey: Key of the supplier, this field is mandatory.
  3. name: Short description of the supplier. This field is mandatory.
  4. keyword: Short description of the supplier.
  5. companyTaxID: Tax ID number.
  6. electronicMail: Supplier email.
  7. telephone: Telephone number.
  8. mobile: Mobile phone number.
  9. websiteUrl: Website.
  10. notes: Remarks.
  11. picture: the image.
  12. streetName: Street.
  13. buildingNumber: Building number.
  14. postalZone: Postal code.
  15. cityName: City.
  16. contactName: Short description of the supplier.
  17. username: User name.
  18. supplierGroup: The key of the group of the supplier. This field is mandatory.
  19. currency: The currency's key.
  20. country: Key of the country, this field is mandatory.
  21. partyAddresses: Additional addresses.
  22. partyContacts: Additional contacts.
  23. culture: The culture's key. This field is mandatory.

When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.

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