WebAPI - Creating a request

WebAPI - Creating a request

This method allows to create a request in a simplified manner.

The method to be used when creating a request:

POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/Requests/requests

Json example for creating a request: 

        "description""Vidro partido",
        "remarks""O vidro do monitor 01 está partido",

This method allows to create a request according to the parameters filled in:
  1. RequestKey: The request key. If this parameter is not filled in, it assumes the defined sequential number. 
  2. Description: Short description of the request. This field is mandatory.
  3. AssetType: Asset type. (1- Location. 2- Equipment. 3- Tool.) Mandatory field.
  4. Equipment: The equipment key.
  5. Tool: The tool's key.
  6. Location: The location's key.
  7. AssetRoute: The route's key.
  8. Party: The entity key.
  9. ParentLocation: The asset parent location's key.
  10. Currency: The currency's key.
  11. RequestReason: The request reason key.
  12. RequestType: The key of the request type. This field is mandatory.
  13. Company: The company's key. This field is mandatory.
  14. OperatingState: The key of the operating state.
When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.

Note: Possibility to create a request with no asset, if the request type allows it.

Example of parameters:


      "assetType": 0,







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