Webapi - How to create a part of the service type?

Webapi - How to create a part of the service type?

This method allows to create a part of the service type in a simplified manner.


The method to be used to create a part of the service type is:


POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/businesscore/parts


Json example to create a part of the service type:


      "partKey": "P_024",

      "Description": "Peca 024",

      "ComplementaryDescription": "peca do postman 024",

      "Keyword": "P024",

      "Barcode": "P024",

      "Family": "OL",

      "Brand": "M",

      "BrandModel": "BM",

      "PartType": 1,

      "BaseUnit": "UN",

      "Supplier" : "FA_0022",

      "Remarks": "Peça importada postman",

      "PartSubType": "",

      "Warehouse": "W1",

      "MinStock": "10",

      "MaxStock": "100",

      "UnitCost": "2"



This method allows to create a part of the service type according to the filled in parameters:

i.PartKey: The part of the service type's key. This field is mandatory.

ii.Description: Short description of the service. This field is mandatory.

iii.ComplementaryDescription: Full description.

iv.Keyword: Short description of the service.

v.Barcode: The service tag.

vi.Picture: The service image. 

vii.Remarks: Location observation.

viii.Family: The family's key.

ix.Brand: The brand's key.

x.BrandModel: The model's key.

xi.BaseUnit: The base unit key. This field is mandatory.

xii.Supplier: The supplier key.

xiii.PartType: When creating a part of the service type, this field is filled in with "2". If you insert 1, a part of the part type without inventory extension will be created. This field is mandatory.

When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.201 Created


Using this method, parts of the type 1 can be created. Parts of the type 2. Service. However, when creating parts of the type 1, this method does not create parts with inventory extension. To create a part with inventory extension, please see the article "webapi - Creating a part with inventory extension".

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