This method allows to create a monitoring value in a simplified manner.
"monitoringValueKey": "000001",
"value": 911.000000,
"date": "2021-07-21T12:50:21+01:00",
"remarks": null,
"monitoring": "0001",
"assetType": 2,
"equipment": "ATC01",
"location": null,
"tool": null,
"workOrder": "OT00008",
"company": "DEMO"
This method allows to create a monitoring value according to the parameters filled in:
MonitoringValueKey: The monitoring value key. If this parameter is not filled in, it assumes the defined sequential number.
Value: The monitoring value you wish to record. This field is mandatory.
Date: The monitoring value record date. This field is mandatory.
Remarks: Remarks.
Monitoring: The key of the monitoring whose value you wish to record. This field is mandatory.
AssetType: Asset type. (1- Location. 2- Equipment. 3- Tool.) Mandatory field.
Equipment: The equipment key..
Location: The location's key.
Tool: The tool's key.
WorkOrder: The key of the work order whose monitoring value you wish to record.
Company: The company's key.
When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.