WebAPI - Creating a meter
method allows to create a meter in a simplified manner.
method to be used when creating a meter:
example for creating a meter:
"meterKey": "001",
"description": "Contador de água",
"unitCost": {
"amount": 250.000000,
"baseAmount": 250.000000,
"reportingAmount": 250.000000,
"fractionDigits": 2,
"symbol": "€"
"slidingWindowSize": 30,
"startValue": 123.750000,
"startValueDecimalPlaces": 2,
"maxValue": 999999,
"remarks": null,
"serial": null,
"meterType": 1,
"unit": "LT",
"locationFunction": null,
"family": null,
"brand": null,
"brandModel": null,
"assetType": 1,
"location": "ED01",
"equipment": null,
"tool": null,
"parentMeter": null,
"currency": "EUR",
"averageCalculationMethod": 1,
"company": "DEMO"
method allows to create a meter according to the parameters filled in:
- MetertKey: The
meter's key. If this parameter is not filled in, it assumes the defined
sequential number.
- Description: Short
description of the meter. This field is mandatory.
- UnitCost: Unitary
cost value.
- SlidingWindowSize: Moving
window size.
- StartValue: Start
- StartValueDecimalPlaces: Decimal
places value.
- MaxValue: Maximum
- Remarks: Remarks.
- Serial: Meter
serial number.
- MeterType: Type
of meter. (1- Reading meter type. 2- Increment meter type.) Mandatory field.
- Unit: Meter
unit. Mandatory field.
- LocationFunction: The
key of the location function.
- Family: The
family's key.
- Brand: The
brand's key.
- BrandModel: The
model's key.
- AssetType: Asset
type. (1-location; 2- equipment; 3- tool).
- Location: The
location's key.
- Equipment: The
equipment key.
- Tool: The
tool's key.
- ParentMeter: The
parent meter key.
- Currency: The
currency's key.
- AverageCalculationMethod: Average
calculation method. (0 - none; 1- moving average days; 2- moving average
reading; 3- global).
- Company: The
company's key.
this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.
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