Webapi - Creating a maintenance plan

Webapi - Creating a maintenance plan

This method allows to create a maintenance plan in a simplified manner.

 The method to be used when creating a maintenance plan is:
POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenancecore/maintenanceplans

 Json example for creating a maintenance plan:

  1. {
            "description""Verificação tubos de água ",
            "maintenancePlanTasks": [

This method allows to create a maintenance plan according to the parameters filled in:

  1. maintenancePlanKey: The maintenance plan key. This field is mandatory.
  2. description: Short description of the maintenance plan. This field is mandatory.
  3. remarks: Remarks.
  4. maintenancePlanType: The key of the maintenance plan type. This field is mandatory.
  5. maintenancePlanTasks. The task key for the maintenance plan and its duration. This field must have at least one task.
  6. workshop: The key of the workshop.

When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.201Created.

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