WebAPI - Creating a location
This method allows to create a location in
a simplified manner.
The method to be used when creating a
location is:
Json example for creating a location:
"locationKey": "ED",
"description": "Edificio",
"onServiceDate": "2021-07-05T00:00:00",
"remarks": "Criação de uma localização",
"keyword": "Edificio principal",
"barcode": "ED145896",
"externalReferenceID": "125255",
"streetName": "Rua D. Maria",
"buildingNumber": "256",
"postalZone": "4587-653",
"cityName": "Lisboa",
"telephone": "212121212",
"mobile": "858585859",
"latitud": "42.098766",
"longitud": "-8.3567",
"criticality": "0000000001",
"locationFunction": "ED",
"parentLocation": "AM",
"country": "PT",
"company": "DEMO",
"responsible": "0002",
"customer": "0011",
"supplier": "0005"
This method allows to create a location
according to the parameters filled in:
- LocationKey: The location's key. If this parameter is not filled in, it
assumes the defined sequential number.
- Description: Short description of the location. This field is mandatory.
- OnServiceDate: Date the location entered the service. If this field is not
filled in, the current date is assumed.
- Picture: The location's image.
- Remarks: Location observation.
- Keyword: Short description of the location.
- Barcode: The location's tag.
- ExternalReferenceID: External reference code.
- StreetName: Street.
- BuildingNumber: Building number.
- PostalZone: Postal code.
- CityName: City.
- Telephone: Telephone.
- Mobile: Mobile phone.
- Latitud: Latitude.
- Longitud: Longitude.
- Criticality: The criticality's key.
- LocationFunction: The key of the location function.
- ParentLocation: The parent location's key.
- Country: The country's key.
- Company: The company's key.
- Responsible: The key of the location person in charge.
- Customer: The customer's key.
- Supplier: The supplier's key.
When this method is executed successfully,
it returns HttpStatusCode.201 Created
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