WebAPI - Creating a customer
This method allows to create a customer in a simplified manner.
The method to be used when creating a customer:
POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/businesscore/customerparties
Json example for creating a customer:
- {
"settlementDiscountPercent": 12.000000,
"partyKey": "001",
"name": "Kinet",
"keyword": "Kinet",
"companyTaxID": null,
"electronicMail": null,
"telephone": null,
"mobile": null,
"websiteUrl": null,
"notes": null,
"picture": null,
"pictureThumbnail": null,
"streetName": null,
"buildingNumber": null,
"postalZone": null,
"cityName": null,
"contactName": "Kinet",
"username": null,
"customerGroup": "CF",
"currency": "EUR",
"country": "PT",
"partyAddresses": [
"streetName": "rua maria",
"buildingNumber": "456",
"postalZone": "3456-453",
"cityName": "António",
"contactName": "098098098",
"contactTitle": "Tec",
"country": "PT"
"partyContacts": [
"contactTitle": "técnico",
"contactName": "Joao",
"electronicMail": null,
"mobile": "676767678",
"telephone": "234234234",
"contactType": "01"
"culture": "PT-PT"
This method allows to create a
customer according to the parameters filled in:
- settlementDiscountpercent: Customer
discount percentage.
- partyKey: The customer's
key. This field is mandatory.
- name: Short description of the
customer. This field is mandatory.
- keyword: Short description of the
- companyTaxID: Tax ID number.
- electronicMail: Customer email.
- telephone: Telephone number.
- mobile: Mobile phone number.
- websiteUrl: Website.
- notes: Remarks.
- picture: the image.
- streetName: Street.
- buildingNumber: Building
- postalZone: Postal code.
- cityName: City.
- contactName: Short description of
the customer.
- username: User name.
- customerGroup: The key of the
group of customers. This field is mandatory.
- currency: The currency's key.
- country: Key of the country, this
field is mandatory.
- partyAddresses: Additional
- partyContacts: Additional
- culture: The culture's key. This
field is mandatory.
When this method is executed
successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.
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