WebAPI changes with the release of SR11

WebAPI changes with the release of SR11

The SR11 release has performance improvements at the API level and essentially the ODATA methods, but these improvements have forced us to have small breaks.

With the release of SR11, integrations between Valuekeep and external systems or specific reports my stop working. To fix this issue, please make the bellow changes: 
  1. Get methods:
  1. When creating a company dependent record, if there is only one company, it will not be selected automatically. It is now necessary to pass it as a resource or use the X-Company Hearder;

  2. The strings "1" and "0" are no longer converted into booleans.
    1. Example: Create an entity and pass a boolean field as 0 or 1, as in the example below:
  1. 0001/financialcore/paymentterms
    "test": "t0",
    "cenario": "Criação de condição de pronto pagamento",
    "paymentTermKey": "0dias",
    "description": "Pronto pagamento",
    "daysFromReferenceDate": "0",
    "useInAccountsReceivable": "1",
    "useInAccountsPayable": "1",
    "validFrom": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
    "validTo": "2099-12-31T00:00:00"
Returns an error and the message:
  1. {"validations":[{"propertyName":"useInAccountsPayable","errorMessage":"Could not
    convert string to boolean: 1. Path 'useInAccountsPayable', line 8, position 28."},{"propertyName":"useInAccountsReceivable","errorMessage":"Could not convert string toboolean: 1. Path 'useInAccountsReceivable', line 7, position 31."}]}
  1. Money properties with empty values are no longer accepted;
    1. Example:
  1. 0001/financialcore/financialAccounts{"description": "Caixa para moedas estrangeiras","financialAccountType":"1","validFrom": "2016-01-01T00:00:00","validTo": "2099-12-31T00:00:00","financialAccountKey": "CXCURRENCY","company": "SOQUENTE","allowForeignCurrency":"true","hasOpeningBalance":"","openingDate":"","openingAmount": {"amount":""}}}}
Returns an error (400) and the message:
  1. {"validations":[{"propertyName":"openingAmount.amount","errorMessage":"Error
    converting value {null} to type 'System.Decimal'. Path 'openingAmount.amount', line22, position _15."}]}

Important: with the new version of OData, some commands have changed slightly:
Ex: "Expand" command.
Before: /odata?$select=DocumentLines/SalesItem&$expand=DocumentLines
Current: /odata?$select=NaturalKey&$expand=DocumentLines($select=SalesItem)

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