OAuth 2.0 is a standard authorization protocol that allows applications to access a user's account in a web service (HTTP) such as the Valuekeep CMMS Web API. The protocol delegates user authentication to the service that holds the user's account and ...
This method allows creating a type of requisition in a simplified manner. The method to be used to create a requisition type is: POST url/api/mytenant/myorganization/requisitionscore/requisitiontypes Json example for creating a type of requisition: ...
This method offers a simple way of creating a Work Order for a specific Asset, Location, Tool or Route. The method to be used to create a work order is: POST /api/mytenant/myorganization/maintenance/workorders/newWorkOrderInfo Json example to create ...
This method returns the work orders list assigned to each employee of a specific company. The method to be used to get the work orders list assigned to the employee is: GET ...
This method allows to manage the record and maintenance of parts and services. For the inventory (parts), besides recording the part, it is also possible to classify it in terms of inventory, by identifying: the default warehouse, the minimum and ...