WebApi - Auditing Pipeline

WebApi - Auditing Pipeline

The Valuekeep Integrator conceptually allows to monitor the execution of all pipelines. This feature allows the implementing agent/integrator to control the execution of integration flows and identify irregular situations that require to eventually change the flow configuration and/or integration services.

The method used for that is: POST /api/mytenant/myorganization/integration/pipelines/fullauditpipeline

 The data structure, for example (Json), to audit the pipeline synchronization:

  "pipelineKey": "VK",
  "description": "VK->V10: Sync Brands",
  "sourceService": "VK",
  "targetService": "V10",
  "sourceOrganization": "VALUEKEEP",
  "targetOrganization": "PRIMAVERA",
  "scheduleTime": "60",
  "AuditPipelines": [
      "startDate": "2021-03-01T09:12:18",
      "endDate": "2021-03-01T09:12:19",
      "SyncAuditPipelines": [
          "SyncStartDate": "2021-03-01T09:12:18 PM",
          "SyncEndDate": "2021-03-01T09:12:19 PM",
          "SyncStatus": 200,
          "SourceEntityId": "E7A384E7-FD6A-403E-94B7-19F6E08AEB9F",
          "SourceEntityKey": "VALUEKEEP",
          "TargetEntityKey": "VALUEKEEP",
          "SourceEntityVersion": "AAAAAAA",
          "SourceEntityVersionNumber": 98384

Description of the attributes available on the request:

  1.  PipelineKey: identifies the pipeline kay (if it doesn't exist, a new pipeline is created);
  2. Description: pipeline description (if the pipeline already exists, the description is updated if it is changed);
  3. SourceService: source service identifier (if the pipeline already exists, it is updated if it is changed);
  4. TargetService: target service identifier (if the pipeline already exists, it is updated if it is changed);
  5. SourceOrganization: source organization identifier (if the pipeline already exists, it is updated if it is changed);
  6. TargetOrganization: target organization identifier (if the pipeline already exists, it is updated if it is changed);
  7. ScheduleTime: pipeline integration frequency (if the pipeline already exists, it is updated if it is changed);
  8. AuditPipelines: optional, it specifies the collection of pipeline integration (identify only the new integrations):
    1. StartDate: identifies the integration start date;
    2. EndDate: identifies the integration end date;
    3. NextDate: optional, identifies the date of the next integration;
    4. ErrorMessage: optional, identifies the error message, when an error occurs in the integration process;
    5. SyncAuditPipelines: optional, it specifies the collection of performed synchronizations (identify only the new synchronizations): 
      1. SyncStartDate : identifies the synchronization start date;
      2. SyncEndDate: identifies the synchronizationend date;
      3. SyncStatus: identifies the result (HttpStatus) of the synchronization;
      4. SyncRequest: optional, it identifies the request applied on the synchronization;
      5. SyncErrorMessage: optional, identifies the error message, when an error occurs on the synchronization process;
      6. SourceEntityId: optional, source entity identifier (Id) on the synchronization process;
      7. TargetEntityId: optional, target entity identifier (Id) on the synchronization process;
      8. SourceEntityId: optional, source entity identifier (Key) on the synchronization process;
      9. TargetEntityKey: optional, target entity identifier (Key) on the synchronization process;
      10. SourceEntityVersion: optional, source entity identifier (Version) on the synchronization process;
      11. TargetEntityVersion: optional, target entity identifier (Version) on the synchronization process;
      12. SourceEntityVersionNumber: optional, source entity identifier (VersionNumber) on the synchronization process;
      13. TargetEntityVersionNumber: optional, target entity identifier (VersionNumber) on the synchronization process.

When this method is executed successfully, it returns HttpStatusCode.OK.

All management is performed internally by the system, for example:
  1. Pipeline: the system identifies if the pipeline already exists and performs the corresponding operation (creation vs update);
  2. AuditPipelines: the system inserts the new integrations and simultaneously classifies the following attributes:
    1. IsLastAuditPipeline: the system marks the last integration.
    2. NSuccessRecords: the system accounts for the number of synchronizations performed successfully on the integration process;
    3. NErrorRecords: the system accounts for the number of synchronizations performed with no success on the integration process.

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