How do I view the current stock for the warehouse parts?

How to view the current stock for the warehouse parts?

  1. The Parts / Warehouse list allows the maintenance manager to view the existent parts stock in each warehouse.

    To view the list, select the option "Parts and Inventory | Explore | Parts Stock" or search "Parts Stock".

    The Parts Stock list has the following criteria: 

    1. It is only available for the administrator role.
    2. It is ordered in ascending order of parts date.

    3. From the list it is possible to access the part and the warehouse view screen.

    4. It is possible to search the list using the search box and by selecting the field to be searched on the 3 dots.
    5. You can filter the list by parts, warehouses, stock higher than the maximum defined and stock lower than the minimum defined.
    6. If the stock is below the minimum, it is presented in red.
    7. It is possible to see on the list whether the warehouse is managed externally.

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