On Cegid Valuekeep there are calculation operations that are performed
in the background in order to not interfere with the user daily work.
In Settings | Work | Background Services, you can configure the following operations:
1. KPIs
Operation responsible for performing the calculation of asset
2. Down
Operation responsible for making the
assets available when the down time is finished and the down time has no
associated work order.
3. Preventive
Operation responsible for rescheduling the
preventive maintenance events.
4. Automatic
Operation responsible for placing the
requests or work orders on the final state. For this operation to be
executed, the following fields must be filled in:
- Close
Requests After (days) - number of days to wait before the requests are placed on the final state. The requests must be in a state previous
to the final state, at least this number of days, in order for the state
to be changed by the service.
- Close
Work Orders After (days) - number of days to wait before the work
orders are placed on the final state. The work orders must be in a state
previous to the final state, at least this number of days, in order for
the state to be changed by the service.
there is more than one final state on the state transitions, the service Automatic
Closing transitions the requests and/or work orders to the first non-canceled End state configured in the transition. If this does not exist, the automatic closing operation will not perform any closing of the requests and/or work orders.

The Automatic
Closing of requests and work orders has a maximum of 20 records
per hour, is a priority to close the 20 records with the date older transition.
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