Plugin V10 – Pipelines – Auditing

Plugin V10 – Pipelines – Auditing

The PRIMAVERA V10 - Valuekeep Integrator plugin conceptually makes available through information categories, using lists, the possibility of monitoring the execution of all pipelines. This functionality allows the implementer / integrator to control the execution of integration flows and even identify anomalous situations that may require changes in the configuration of flows and/or integration services.

The audit of integration flows (pipelines) is defined in the configuration of the pipeline, in which you can identify/configure this service. The plugin provides an auditing service: V10AuditWriter.

  • Monitoring is supported through the following information categories.
  • - VKI - Piplines: category of information that contextualizes the definition of pipelines;
  • - VKI - Audit Pipelines: category of information that contextualizes the execution of pipelines.

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