What is the Valuekeep Planner?

What is the Valuekeep Planner?

With Valuekeep Planner, the maintenance manager and the administrator can now plan their technicians' work using several calendar views.

With the administrator role, it is now possible to view all work orders, preventive events and assign a work order to any technician. The maintenance manager role can only view the work orders he created and the ones from the work center he manages.

How to use it?

The Planner is divided in two sections:
  1. Filters: In this section, the filters being applied to the data that will be shown on the calendar views are presented. 
  2. Calendar: This section can be divided in five views, and the default view is the Work Week. The available views are the following:
    1. Day - the assigned and unassigned WOs and the preventive events for the selected day are presented.
      1. The day starts at 6:00
      2. The day ends at 8:00 PM
      3. 30 minute intervals
    2. Work Week - the assigned and unassigned WOs and the preventive events for the selected work week are presented
      1. The day starts at 6:00
      2. The day ends at 8:00 PM
      3. 30 minute intervals
    3. Week - the assigned and unassigned WOs and the preventive events for the selected week are presented
      1. The day starts at 6:00
      2. The day ends at 8:00 PM
      3. 30 minute intervals
    4. Month - the assigned and unassigned WOs and the preventive events and the preventive events for the selected month are presented
      1. Schedule - presents the WOs by technician

How to assign work orders?

To assign work orders to employees, you can:
  1. Select the view "Schedule" and drag and drop the WO to the desired technician. You can assign several technicians, but not simultaneously. First, drag the work order for technician 1 and only after being assigned to technician 1, you can add to technician 2.
  2. Select with the right mouse button on the work order the option Assignment. You must select the employees to assign and select Save.

How to unassign a work order?

You can unassign employees from a work order in one of two ways:
  1. By the view "Schedule":
  2. By dragging and dropping to the "Do Not Assign" section
  3. Pressing the WO number to open the window and, pressing the unassing symbol.«
  4. Select with the right mouse button on the work order the option Assignment.
  5. Removing the users
The work orders that are not assigned will be presented in gray and the assigned work orders will be presented in blue.

How to view information about the work order?

To view information about the work order, simply press the work order and a pop-up window will be presented, containing the following information:
  1.  The expected date
  2. Asset
  3. State
  4. Priority
  5. Person in Charge

How to create work orders on the Planner?

To create work orders, select with the right mouse button on the planner on the desired date/time and the following options will be presented:
  1. Create work order: By selecting it, a dashboard will be presented at the right side with a simplified creation for the work order. You must fill in the mandatory fields and click:
    1. Save: it will save the work order log and close the dashboard.
    2. Save and New: it will save the log and create anew on to record other work orders.
  2. Skip to today: This option allows you to skip to today when navigating the planner.

How to edit or delete work orders on the Planner?

To edit work orders, select with the right mouse button on the work order you wish to edit. The simplified screen will be presented:
  1. Edit: Allow to edit the work order;
  2. Delete: Select the trash icon;
  3. Attachments: Allows to edit or add attachments;
  4. Copy to new: Allows to clone the log with a new key.

How to create work orders using a preventive event on the Planner?

To create work orders using a preventive event, select with the right mouse button on the preventive event:
  1. Create work order: By selecting it, a dashboard will be presented at the right side with an automatically filled in simplified creation for the work order. You can change the filled in data.
    1. Save: it will save the work order log.
    2. Save and New: it will save the log and create anew on to record other work orders.

How to deactivate a preventive event on the Planner?

To deactivate a preventive event, select with the right mouse button on the work order you wish to deactivate. The simplified screen will be presented:
  1. Edit: Allows to edit the preventive event where only the event deactivation is available. 

In either view, only 200 records are displayed.

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