How to obtain a list of work orders by OData?
In all Entities we have the possibility of making
Odata requests.
In Odata requests you must pay attention to the
following syntax:
- $select: expression that determines which request fields are included in the result;
- $filter: expression used to restrict the information sent in the
- $orderby: expression used to organize the information sent;
- $skip: expression which ignores the first records. Example $skip = 100 - ignores the first 100 records;
- $Top: expression that returns the first N request records;
- $expand: expression that allows you to relate entities, for example
get the list of consumptions and respective parts consumed.
When making Odata requests there are two expressions that must be used:
- $select: mandatory expression, must indicate
which fields you want to get;
- $filter: as we limit the number of records per request to 100, we
recommend you filter by the ModifiedOn field, so that you only get new or
modified records.
Below you will find a set of examples of Odata
requests for work orders:
Odata request to obtain work order information
Odata request to obtain work order information
ignoring the first 100 records
1.{Tenant}/{Organization}/maintenance/workOrders/odata?$select=Id,Description,WorkOrderType,Equipment,EquipmentId,Customer,CustomerId,Responsible,Workshop,WorkshopDescription,PriorityLevel,Date,WorkOrderKey,AssetType,Location&$filter=WorkOrderType eq 'CR'
Odata request to obtain work order information
ignoring the first 100 records and filtering by WO status
1.{Tenant}/{Organization}/maintenance/workOrders/odata?$select=Id,Description,WorkOrderType,Equipment,EquipmentId,Customer,CustomerId,Responsible,Workshop,WorkshopDescription,PriorityLevel,Date,WorkOrderKey,AssetType,Location&$filter=WorkOrderType eq 'CR'&$skip=100&$orderby=ModifiedOn
Fields placed in the Select field must begin with
Uppercase letters.
You can get the name of the user fields in the select
field from the API Documentation article.