Mobile Requests -How to change a request that has already been synchronized to Web CMMS?

Mobile Requests -How to change a request that has already been synchronized to Web CMMS?

On the Requests that have already been synchronized to Web CMMS, it is only possible to perform the following changes:

  1. Details tab - viewing request/workflow state transitions.
  2. Remarks tab - changing remarks.
  3. Attachments tab - adding attachments.

To change data in a Request, follow these steps:

  1. On the Dashboard, select the option "Requests" or select the option "Requests" on the menu.
  2. On the Requests list, select the tab Requests, and the request list is presented.
  3. Edit the request and change the fields that can be changed.
  4. Press the "Checkmark" icon on the upper right corner.