Mobile - How do I print a work order report?
The technicians can print the work order report with or without the signature when ending or during the execution.
To print a work order report, it is necessary to access the detail window of the workorder.
The access to this detail is performed using the work orders list, which can be opened using these options:
- Menu | My Work
- Menu | Dashboard | Report Work
- Menu | Calendar
After accessing the work order detail, follow these steps to print the report:
- Select the "3 dots" on the upper right corner;
- From the displayed menu, select the "Print" option;
- You will be asked if you wish to print the most recent data.
- If the answer is "Yes".
- Your internet connection is verified.
- If you don't have access to the internet, the following message will be presented "You do not have internet access, so the report will only include the data you currently have on your device. Do you want to continue?"
- If you answer "Yes", the process will continue using the device data at the time of printing.
- If you answer "No", the window is closed and the printing stops.
- If you have internet access, all data necessary for the report will be downloaded.
- If the answer is "No".
- If you answer "Yes", the process will continue using the device data at the time of printing.
- If the answer is "Cancel".
- The window is closed and the printing stops.
- After deciding that you wish to print the report, a report preview screen is displayed for you to verify if the information is correct. If you wish to print, select the checkmark from the upper right corner. If the option "Signature" is active on the app settings, two menus will be presented to be signed – one for the technician, one for the customer and another one to insert the customer name;
- After the signatures, the final report is generated as a PDF and opened for preview on the app as a PDF by default;
- Next, you will be asked if you wish to send the generated file via email. If you wish to send via email, a text box will be presented to insert the desired recipient's email. This feature depends on the client email used, because for some emails it is not possible to attach documents from the app.

printing the report, it will be attached to the work order to synchronize for
the Web CMMS.
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