Mobile - How to explore work orders?
It is very important for technicians to be able to quickly view the work that they must perform. You can check the work that needs to be done through the following options:
- Technician dashboard – allows technicians to immediately know the number of work orders assigned to them, broken down by state.
- Calendar – allows technicians to view the work orders that they must execute on a given day.
- List of work orders – allows technicians to view work orders assigned to them, broken down by state, as well as those created in the device, but that have not been synchronized yet.
- Map view - view of work orders on a report. work orders are only presented if the equipment/tool or location has associated GPS coordinates
Technician dashboard
The work report technician dashboard includes:
- Synchronization button
- Calendar view access button;
- Button to create a new work order;
- Button to access the user work orders list;
- Graph representing the states of the user work orders:
- To improve the graph reading, it is possible to apply a filter to the work orders;

The graph filter is the same as the work orders list view.
To access the calendar view, click on the calendar icon on the dashboard.
- The initial view is the weekly calendar view with the current day selected;
- To access the monthly calendar view, on the weekly view, click on the monthly calendar icon (calendar with the number 31);
- To access the weekly calendar view, on the monthly view, click on the weekly calendar icon (calendar with the number 7);
- On both views, when clicking the day (week or month) the work orders whose expected date is on that day will be presented;
- It is possible to create a WO from the calendar view. The work order is started with the expected date the same as the date selected on the calendar:
- If the selected day is 2020-05-08, the work order is started with the field Expected Date with the day 2020-05-08.
Map View
To access the map view, select the Map View tab on the work orders list. When selecting the work order marker, the following information is presented:
- Work order key
- Description
- Asset
- Responsible
- Priority
- State
- Work order Type
- Expected Date
- Expected End Date
From the work order information dialog, access the work order view or use the default browser to access the marker location.

When one or more markers are overlapped, the markers present the symbol (+). When clicking on it, all the markers in the area are visible.
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