What are the main functionalities of the interface?

What are the main functionalities of the interface?

In order to support maintenance management and facilitate the whole process, the interface of  Valuekeep  CMMS was built based on usability and user experience, providing a quick interaction with the various functionalities.   


The information available in this area varies depending on the user profile being used. Here the different operational or management dashboards can be consulted. 
In this case, you can see the number of requests and events for the current year, such as work orders, Service Level Agreement (SLA) and costs, and you can compare these figures with the previous year's data. 
Below you can see the unresolved requests, events and work orders. 


The insights area will provide you with certain business data to help the maintenance manager.  

On the left side, we can find the interface’s main menu.  

  1. Overview  -By clicking on Overview you have access to the main page of the interface and the different dashboards. Work - In this option you will have access to all work orders and requests, as well as costs and preventive maintenance operations.
  2. Requests   - By selecting Requests you will have access to all requests created by you.
  3. Assets  - By clicking on this option, you can access the different assets of the company, from locations to equipment, tools and routes. You can also access the measurements used.
  4. Parts and Inventory  - In this section you can access all the information about the available parts and warehouses.
  5. Workshops and Employees  - By selecting Workshops and Employees you can see all the employees and workshops that belong to the team.
  6. Suppliers and Customers  - Here you will find your list of Suppliers and Customers.
  7. Settings - In this section you can change the different settings of the interface, such as the types of work orders that exist or the types of e-mails that can be sent. For more information on everything that can be set,  just visit this page

Quick Actions

To optimize repetitive operations and increase the fluidity of processes, you can find an option for quick actions on the interface.  

If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can use the Search bar, which will show you results related to the keyword you type.   

Personal Area

All users can access a set of options related to their profile through their personal area. Here it is possible to see the users of each subscription, access the profile type's own settings, change the theme and access the Help Center and Quick Guide.  

Relevant Information 

How do the reports work? 

The lists for creating, viewing and editing requests were designed to allow easy navigation between the different operations. 

How do I view and edit a report?  

There is a line of behavior that is common to the different types of operations: 
  1. You must access the desired list. For example,  Work > Work Orders.  
  2. To view the details of a report you must select the desired report and press the  View  button in the lower right corner. 
  3. Once opened the report can be edited from the view screen, just press the  Edit  button. 
  4. If necessary and according to the user's profile, the view screen also allows you to change the status  of the report. Some of the reports that can have status transitions are Requests and Work Orders. 
In the view screen it is also possible to: 
  1. Delete the report with the  bin shaped button.  
  2. View the associated attachments by pressing  the clip-shaped button
  3. Copy the report and create another one just like it by using the button with the three dots
  4. Depending on the profile and the entity being viewed, on some screens you can find the  Operations button . This button allows you to perform operations related to the entity, such as: Assign Technician, Report Labor, Report Consumption, among others. 
In some reports, such as Employees, it is possible that horizontal tabs appear at the top of the screen, where you can view and edit other information. 

 How do I create a new report? 

  1. You must access the desired list. For example  Work > Work Orders. 
  2. To create a new report, simply press the  Create button  in the lower right corner, thus opening a new report screen. 
  3. Throughout the screen you can find different icons that can help you fill in the desired fields. The  button with the question mark  gives you information about the field to be described and the  triangle button  tells you which mandatory fields are missing. 
  4.  If you want to add attachments to the report, simply select the clip-shaped button  in the lower left corner. 
  5. Clicking the  Reset button returns all settings to their original state as it was when you opened the scree

After filling out the fields, you have two options:  
  1. Save and New  - saves the report and the screen is cleared to create a new report. 
  2. Save  - saves the report and enters the view mode. 

What are lists?

In the  Valuekeep  CMMS interface we can find different lists, such as locations and equipment or employees and warehouses, among  others.
In these lists you can perform a set of operations: 
  1. Search by the content of the different columns 
  2. Group columns 
  3. Sort by column, just click on the column you want (e.g. Location)  
  4. See more details of the list elements that are in green, just click on the desired option (e.g. AM) 
  5. Add new columns by clicking on the  Gear button 
  6. Export the list itself to .csv or print it by clicking the  Three dots  
  7. Create a new report by pressing the  Create button  in the bottom right corner. 
  8. View the report details by selecting the report in question and pressing the  View button  in the bottom right corner.