How to view the traceability of the work order?

How to view the traceability of the work order?

It is possible to view the entity originated in a work order. The work order traceability list allows the maintenance manager to view if the work order originated in a request or in a preventive maintenance event, or if it was created individually.
To view the work order traceability list on the menu, select the option "Work | Explore Work | Work Order Traceability" or search "Work Order Traceability".
The traceability list has the following criteria: 
  1. It is only available for the administrator role.
  2. By default, only the work orders whose start date is on the current quarter are presented.
  3. The list is ordered in decreasing order of expected date.
  4. From the list it is possible to access the view screen for the work order, event, preventive maintenance and request.
  5. It is possible to search the list using the search box and by selecting the field to be searched on the 3 dots.

A work order can have several requests associated, but only one request can have an associated work order.

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