How to set up my access data?

How to set up my access data?

The use of Expressions in the configuration of a solution is frequent practice, due to the large number that a certain expression is applied recurrently. For example, in the solution provided as a base example, all pipelines make systematic use of the VALUEKEEP V3 API. Therefore, it is suggested as good practice to include an Expression that defines the context of the VALUEKEEP V3 API, as shown in the following example.

The definition of an Expression is synthesized in the definition of two attributes:

  1. Pattern: identification or designation of the expression, with the following syntax "%NAME%";
  2. Value: set of attributes and respective values that are interpreted by the plugin.

The expression that contextualizes the VALUEKEEP V3 API, has the following attributes (all mandatory definition):

  1. Identity: address of the identity (identification service);
  2. Url: default address to access the API;
  3. Tenant: tenant identification;
  4. Organization: organization identification;
  5. ClientId: Client Id identifier (provided by Valuekeep). This attribute requires encryption (via the Valuekeep Integrator SDK utility);
  6. ClientSecret: identifier of the Client Secret (provided by Valuekeep). This attribute requires encryption (via the Valuekeep Integrator SDK utility);

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