How to import spare parts?

How to import spare parts?

The spare parts can be inserted from individual records or through batch records by importing .csv files.

To batch load spare parts, select the option Settings | General | File Import or using the asset list (Assets | Locations; Assets | Equipment or Assets | Tools) by selecting the option Import Spare Parts.

  1. The import screen is displayed;
  2. Select the option Import Spare Parts;
  3. Download the template file to be loaded, on the upper part of the screen and fill in the file;
  4. Later, you must fill in the file according to the rules:
    1. The fields Key, Part, Quantity, and Company must be defined.
    2. When the import is finished, the import date will be presented and it might (or not) contain messages with import details. If an import occurs without errors/warnings, no information on the import details will be presented. If there are errors/warnings, you can see the errors by clicking on the number of messages.

When filling in the file, you must consider the following fields:

i.The file must always be of the CSV type and the separator character must be ; (semicolon).

ii.Each file cannot have more than 2000 records or 4 Mb.

iii.Each file cannot have more than 7500 attachments or 4 Mb.


You must not remove or add columns to the downloaded template.

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