How to customize the pipeline tags for the request URL?

How to customize the pipeline tags for the request URL?

In Valuekeep, there are "POST" requests, which come from keys, as shown below:

The method used to create a follow-up report in a work order is:

POST {{url}}/api/{{tenant}}/{{organization}}//maintenance/workOrders/{Company}}/{WorkOrderKey}}/WorkOrderNotes

To implement a pipeline with the structure specified above, you must use:

i.Prefix: "@from_";

ii.Tag: "ToEntityKeys";

iii.Number: number of the key you wish to place on the URL, otherwise, the "default = 1" is used;

iv.Suffix: "@" ;

1.      ...

2.      ToApiPath                 = Maintenance/WorkOrders;   

3.      ToApiPathPost          = Maintenance/WorkOrders/999/@from_toentitykeys1@/workordernotes; 

4.      ToCompanyDependent  = true;

5.      ToExclusiveInsert      = true;

6.      ToEntityKeys             = Key,WorkOrderKey;

7.      ToCompany               = 999;

8.      ...

In the example above one can verify the use of the API by constructing the following request:{Key}/workordernotes;


{Key} - The record content that has been mapped in the Mapping file will be presented.


In case you want to use the key 2, you should use the following:



1.     ...

2.     ToApiPath                 = Maintenance/WorkOrders;   

3.     ToApiPathPost          = Maintenance/WorkOrders/999/@from_toentitykeys2@/workordernotes; 

4.     ToCompanyDependent  = true;

5.     ToExclusiveInsert      = true;

6.     ToEntityKeys             = Key,WorkOrderKey;

7.     ToCompany               = 999;

8.     ...

In the example above one can verify the use of the API by constructing the following request:{WorkOrderKey}/workordernotes;


{WorkOrderKey} - The record content that has been mapped in the Mapping file will be presented.

The keys can also be used simultaneously.

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