How do I log the verification of the tasks associated with the work order?

How do I log the verification of the tasks associated with the work order?

When a work order (WO) is in a state that allows work registration, it is possible to perform task verification.

Verify Tasks

To verify the tasks, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Work | Work Orders;
  2. Select the WO where you want to verify the task;
  3. In the Operations button, click on Task Verifications;
  4. The list of the tasks verifications for the selected WO is displayed. Click on Verify;

When creating, it is possible to change the asset if the WO is a route. If it's not, it is only possible to verify tasks for the selected asset when editing is disabled.


Create Task Verification Log

Before filling in the task verification, you should consider that:

  • you can only verify tasks that are associated with a WO;
  • if the WO is associated with a locationdevice, or tool, that asset is automatically taken over in the Task Verification and cannot be edited;
  • if the WO is associated with a route, it is possible to select the asset you want to perform the task verification on. However, it is only possible to select assets that were associated with the route at the time the WO passed through a state which allows work logging or when the order was logged (if the WO originated from an order);
  • the verification date can be earlier than the date the WO was created;
  • the EquipmentTool and Location fields cannot be filled in at the same time. It is compulsory that it is only filled in;
  • with the Technician profile it is only possible to create the verification for the authenticated user;
  • the Workshop manager to whom the WO belongs can create, edit, and cancel logs by the technician.

To create a task verification log, follow these steps:

  1. Select the task you want to verify;
  2. Change the Verification Date which, by default, is always the current date;
  3. Choose the Verification Type;
  4. Insert any applicable Remarks;
  5. Click on one of the following options:
    • Save: only the verification log is made for the task(s) selected for the asset and employee in question;
    • Save and apply to all: in the case of a route, a verification will be logged for all the assets on the route and for the selected user, with the tasks indicated. For example, if the WO is from a route and you select a location, when saving and applying to all, it will log a verification, with the tasks selected below, for all the assets associated with the route. If it is not a route, it will only log a task verification for the selected asset.

Each line selected in the Task Verification creation will be a different task verification log. That is, if you select a WO, click on Operations and then on Task Verifications, you will see several lines and each one corresponds to a verification. If you click on Verify, the lines corresponding to the employee verifications for the selected asset will be selected.


Edit Task Verification Log

By clicking on Verify on the Task Verification list of the selected WO, you will enter the task verification log edition, where the already verified tasks are duly identified and with information on the DateVerification Type and Remarks, whose data you can change. At the end, you must save the changes.

Each selected line will be a different task verification log. That is, if you select a WO, click on Operations and then on Task Verifications, you will see several lines and each one corresponds to a verification. If you click on Verify, the lines corresponding to the employee verifications for the selected asset will be selected.

You can use the Save and Apply to All option if it is a route and, in this case, the system will create task verifications for the assets of the route that don't have them yet. If there are already verifications logged, these will not be changed and only the log in view will be edited.

To edit another asset, you must select it and then edit it.

Delete Task Verification Log

By clicking on Verify on the Task Verification list of the selected WO, you will enter the Task Verification Log edition, where the already verified tasks are duly identified and with information on the DateVerification Type and Remarks.

In order to delete, simply deselect the verification in the Selected column.

Only the logs you have deselected will be deleted. A log will be created if, during this process, you have selected lines that were not selected before and if there is no task log for the asset, employee, and marked line.

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