How do I insert a replacement meter?
To insert a replacement
meter, follow these steps:
- Go to Assets |
Measurements | Meters;
- Select a meter;
- Click on the Operations button to access the meter readings list;
- Click on Create and then on Replace Meter;
- Fill in the
replacement meter reading value. The new reading can be zero if the meter
has been replaced by a new meter or, if it is a used meter, its current
value (lower or higher than the current reading of the old meter, equal to
or greater than zero).
The value of the meter
that corresponds to a meter replacement:
- keeps the current cumulative
reading of the meter;
- maintains the
meter's current average;
- ensures the
increment is zero. Replacing a meter does not mean taking a new
reading, it just means resetting the current value;
- ensures the unit
cost and the total cost is zero;

The replacement date
must be greater than the last reading.
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