How to create a work order type?
Work order
types allow you to classify the work orders and apply specific behaviors
through configuration. To create a work order type, follow these steps:
- Go to Settings | Work | Work Order Types;
- The list of
work order types will be displayed;
- Click on
the Create button.
The work
order types are divided into three main sections:
- Default
values - the values configured in this section will be automatically filled in
on the work order form when the user selects this work order type.
- Work order
assignment - the system can automatically assign the work order to one or more
technicians according to the following rules:
- Assign to
the WO creator - if selected, the work order will automatically be assigned to
the technician who created it;
- Assign to
WO responsible - if selected, the work order will automatically be assigned to
the responsible;
- Assign to
workshop managers - if selected, the order will be assigned to all workshop
- Assign to
workshop technicians - if selected, the order will be assigned to all
technicians who are not responsible for the workshop;
- Costs -
section relating to work order consumption:
- Use average
cost price - if selected, when moving to the first state in which costs can be
recorded, an automatic consumption of the parts defined in the Spares section
of the asset associated with the work order will be carried out.

If the
employee is only the workshop manager, they will not be assigned to the work

assigning (automatically or manually), the employee must always be the
technician of the work order workshop.
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