How to create a request?

How to create requests?

Through requests, an organization's employees can request maintenance actions on assets or locations. These maintenance requests, usually referred to as HelpDesk requests, allow the maintenance teams to respond to different requests by creating Corrective work orders.

To create a new Request, select the option "Requests | Requests":

  1. The request list is presented;
  2. Press the "Create" button.

When creating and editing requests, you must consider:

  1. The SLA start date is automatically filled in, only once, when, the request is defined as SLA start.
  2. The SLA end date is automatically filled in every time the request is transitioned for a state defined as SLA end.
  3. If the request type has the option "Create with no Asset", the "None" asset type will be automatically suggested.
  4. If the selected asset type is a route, you can only select routes in which the user can access the route elements.
  5. Only routes with at least one asset will be available, if no asset is unavailable.

When editing the request, you must consider:

  1. The state change must be performed on the detail view interface.
  2. If the request state is specified as “locked for changes”, you cannot change any attribute, except for the state and the observations, if the current state has the option to allow to change observations active.
  3. If the Request is in a cancelled state, you cannot create nor associate it to a Work Order.
  4. As a requester or Administrator - in "My Requests", you can change the state of the request only when one of the conditions is confirmed:
    1. When the request changes to a state in which the option " Is Final State" is set up.
    2. When the request changes to any state other than the final state:
      1. If there is an associated Work Order.
        1. When the target request state changes the associated WO state and only if the request field "SLA end date" is filled in.
      2. If there is no associated Work Order.
        1. Only if the request field "SLA end date" is filled in.
  5. As Administrator - in "Request Management", you can change the state of the request only when one of the conditions is confirmed:
    1. When the request changes to any state configured as a final state.
    2. When the request does not have an associated work order.
  6. If the order has an associated work order, you cannot change the asset. 

To automatically close the request, if it is in a state previous to the final state for over X days, it is necessary to access the option "Settings | Work | Background Services", activate the option "Enable Closing Requests" and define the number of days in "Close Requests After (days)".  

Possibility to create a request with no asset, if the request type allows it. For that, you must consider the request type with the checkmark on the option "Create Without an Asset".

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