How to create a preventive maintenance?

How to create a preventive maintenance?

Preventive maintenance specifies a set of maintenance actions to be performed based on a fixed recurrence or on meter values. To create a new preventive maintenance, select the option Work | Preventive Maintenances:

  1. The list of preventive maintenances will be displayed;
  2. Press the "Create" button;
When creating the preventive maintenance must consider the following points:
  1. It is only possible to select assets, whose employee has access to, if the selected asset type is a route, the employee must have access to all root elements, otherwise, it is not possible to select the route. The asset permissions are defined on the access levels.
  2. Only routes with at least one asset will be available.
  3. Before saving the preventive maintenance, you have the chance to view the events, for that, on the "operations" button, select the option "Preview Events". This option is only available on the states Pending and Waiting for Approval. 
On the work orders tab, it is possible to define the scheduling criteria that affected the date of the following event, based on the previous work order. This way, there are three possible selection criteria:
  1. Fixed date: This criterion is not influenced by the previous WO dates, that is, they always occur on the same date. 
  2. Opening date: This criterion is based on the previous WO opening date, that is, the opening date is considered by the WO state, configured to allow the work report.
  3. Closing date: This criterion is based on the previous WO closing date, that is, the closing date is considered by the WO state, configured as SLA end.
  4. On the Preventive Maintenance, it is not possible to customize the states, the available states are:

Natural Key
Waiting for Approval



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