How do I create meters?

How do I create meters?

The meters are system entities which allow for monitoring parameters of the assets operation in order to trigger Preventive Maintenance actions. The meters can operate as autonomous units or have other meters associated with it.
To create a new meter, select the option Assets | Meters and Monitorings | Meters, on the list, press the button "create".

Fill in the meter data. The information to be filled in is organized in tabs. You can see the required fields using the orange margin or from the list on the right lower corner, next to the Reset button;

When creating the meter, you must associate it to one of the following elements:
  1. Location function - when creating a meter to a location function, this means that when recording meter values, the user must select a location with this location function associated.
  2. Family - when creating a meter to a family, this means that when recording meter values, the user must select an equipment or tool with this family associated.
  3. Brand - when creating a meter to a brand, this means that when recording meter values, the user must select an equipment or tool with this brand associated.
  4. Brand and Model - when creating a meter to a brand or model, this means that when recording meter values, the user must select an equipment or tool with this brand or model associated.
  5. Localization - when creating a meter to a location, this means that when recording meter values, the user can only do it for the meter location.
  6. Equipment - when creating a meter to an equipment, this means that when recording meter values, the user can only do it for the meter equipment.
  7. Tool - when creating a meter to a tool, this means that when recording meter values, the user can only do it for the meter tool.
If the meter has a parent meter associated, you must consider the value of the following fields:
  1. Location function - you can only select a parent meter with the location function field filled in and the same as the meter you are creating.
  2. Family - you can only select a parent meter with the family field filled in and the same as the meter you are creating
  3. Asset (location, equipment or tool) - you can only select a parent meter with the asset field filled in and the same as the meter you are creating.
On the Characteristics tab, you can assign one or more characteristics to meters.
These can be of the following types:
  1. Number;
  2. Text;
  3. Date/Time;
  4. Boolean;
  5. Enum.
When saving, we validate if there are repeated characteristics and the following rule sets for them:
  1. If it is of the Number type, checks if the text inserted on the Value field is a number. The number of decimal places associated to that characteristics unit is also checked, as well as if the tab matches the user language;
  2. If it is of the Date/Time type, checks if the text inserted on the Value field is a date and/or a time.
  3. If it is of the Boolean type characteristics, checks if the text inserted on the Value field is 0 for False and 1 for True;
  4. If it is of the Enum type, checks if the Enum Value matches the values for the selected characteristic.

There are 3 ways of calculating the meter average:
  1. Global: meter value average based on all previous meter readings. To the current meter reading, we subtract the value of the first reading and the value is divided by the day differences between two readings. If there are readings only on the same day of the current record, the average will be the difference between te current record and the first reading.
  2. Moving Average – Readings: calculation of the average based on the number of previous readings. This number is defined on the field Window Size of Moving Average
  3. Moving Average – Days: calculation of the average based on the readings performed on a «set of days previous to the current record. In case there is no reading record in the timeframe used as the record reading previous to the current one. The number of days is defined on the field Window Size of Moving Average.
If you select a way of performing the calculation when recording meter values, the average window size field must be higher than zero.

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